Verse 1
Break thou the bread of life,
Dear Lord, to me,
As thou did break the loaves
Beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page
I seek thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for thee,
O Living Word!
Verse 2
Bless thou the truth, dear Lord,
To me, to me,
As thou didst bless the bread
By Galilee;
Then shall all bondage cease,
All fetters fall;
and I shall find my peace,
My all in all.
Where else shall we go?
Lord you give us words of life,
We can’t live by bread alone,
You have opened up our eyes,
Help us now to love your word,
Do not let us walk away
Grant us mercy, Grant us grace,
Use your word to ground our faith
Verse 3
Thou art the bread of life,
O Lord, to me;
Thy holy Word the truth
That saveth me;
Give me to eat and live
With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth,
For Thou art love.
Verse 4
Spirit and life are they,
The words you speak;
I hasten to obey, But I am weak;
Thou art my only help,
Thou art my life;
Heeding Thy holy Word
I win the strife.